Sunday, August 4, 2024

The six seasons : Haiku


A thousand Palash 

Like a forest catches flames

The perfect Holi


Tangy youth of spring

dissolves in summer warmth

glass of Aam panna


Green foliage abounds

As rains cool the parching bricks

Thirsty for ages


A dried pipal leaf 

carrying scent of summer past

Falls without much ado. 


Coffee’s warm aroma 

sitting by the winter hearth 

An old beatnik poet. 


sesame crackles 

To fight the merciless cold

On low roasting flame

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Shakuntala: a single parent

Whether it was a curse

of an ever irascible Rishi,

Or a convenient bout 

of amnesia that suddenly 

enthralled a philandering king,

after an initial heartbreak 

Shakuntala didn’t care. 

No stranger to desertion

by a bored mother 

and a detached father

she gathered all the fortitude 

and moved deep into the forest

A single parent to Bharat, 

who played with lion cubs

and was breastfed valour

That gushed through her veins. 

Love and longing: three haiku

 Peacocks dance in gold

On the vast expanse of my

Ma’s ivory saree 

Picking the gold stud

That sat on her regal nose

My dadi’s ashes

Urdu edition

Of the paper Baba read

Lies untouched on floor