Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Crochet Lace Hankies

Crochet Lace Hankies
Surfing internet for hours and hours
to kill my nocturnal ennui
I stumbled upon those long forgotten
Crochet laced hankies .
Sewn with dainty silken laces,
like the ones my mother made
in lilac, aquamarine and tangerine shades.
She decorated my kerchiefs
With dulcet patterns looped with care
and fixed them to my check pinafore
as she dropped me at the day care.
And she also made hordes of them
to pack them in my trousseau trunk.
As nostalgia washed me over again,
I ordered a dozen online
For my mother with her dwindling eyesight.

- Neha Bansal