Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Witch Hunt

When they paraded her naked,
jeering at her, condemning her to be the "dayan"
her ancient breasts on her wrinkled body
were wounded by the stones pelted.
Her stoic eyes surveyed the scene
refusing to shed a single tear,
rested for a flickering moment on me
and i averted mine in cowardice.

Refusing to acknowledge those years of affection,
she showered on her neighbor's children.
Denying the tangy taste of raw mango candy
that she hid in our pockets magically
and wearing of those hibiscus and frangipani flowers
with which she tidied our unruly hair.
Abnegating those myriad times when her timely interruption
saved us from our mothers' beatings
and also forgetting her "knowing teasing" look as
I eyed, courted and eventually married her only niece.

And I let them burn her at stake
for the sickness of village children
and deaths of three cows and one half-blind dog,
knowing well it to be the pretext
to grab her half an acre land.

- Neha Bansal

Requiem for the Earth

seasons changed, years passed
but the cycle of Life continued
what died yesterday, bequeathed an inheritance on today
and Death was won over.
the bountiful mother nurtured us,
fulfilled our every need....
But, today, slowly writhing in agony,
the terminal patient waits for her death,
surrounded by her sons
whose eyes twinkle in insatiable greed...

- Neha Bansal

photo courtesy : Deepak Rao

Thursday, April 1, 2010


No, I am not Scheherazade,
nor was meant to be,
and i don't know a thousand stories
that would salvage me.
He would certainly behead me tomorrow,
a promise sealed with kiss.
The dawn would soon break
and end the briefest bliss.
The hunter would prey again,
renew his vows in confetti shower,
and i enslaved to an indifferent him,
would pray for his heightened power.
I want her to suffer my fate
No, she must not win him over.
No, this bloody rite must never end
and he must find a newer lover...
- Neha Bansal