Friday, February 23, 2024

Six of Cups (a minor arcana card in tarot)

I have possessed 

a deck of tarot cards 

for ages. 

The rational me chides 

the more intuitive one 

and calls it a 

mere hocus-pocus, 

the skulduggery of a 

smooth-talking charlatan. 

While the romantic in me

wants to believe in the 

unfathomable energies 

of the universe, 

in de-tangling our own 

minds to reach 

the elusive truth, 

something intangible 

that can be perceived 

but certainly not with 

the available senses five. 

And I, oscillating between 

the two of us, 

was filled with the memories 

of how I made my bestie

gift me this 

promising to read her future. 

How we used it 

to get attention from 

that crush, 

to be appreciated by 

that snooty senior,

to impress that favourite 

teacher who too, perhaps

torn between rationality 

and the charm of unknown

succumbed to its lure.

And, also to earn lots of

funds in the college Fete 

to be able to donate to

the nearby orphanage.

And, as I fiddled with 

the strangely tantalising deck, 

inscrutably six of cups 

turned up, symbolising 

the hiraeth for 

a lost good time, 

A longing for shared happiness 

and  a yearning for joys 

of  childhood and youth.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure whosoever reads it gets the rewind button pressed somewhere within...
