Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The dalit girl

She walked around with a song in her head,

A song that gave her hope 

to break the tether that tied her 

to a grey hued marginalised world 

and fly away in to the vast expanse 

Of the dreamy Azure blue skies. 

Little did she know of those upper caste boys 

who viewed her pert breasts

and the swag of her teenage gait 

as an affront to their pigeonholed worldview 

where Dalit girls dared not look in to the eye 

but coyly yielded happily to their demands 

And any No's are secretly always a "Yes". 

-Neha Bansal


  1. Awesome ! Brevity is the soul of wit and you have proven it !

  2. Concise and hardcore! Now when Shakespeare said “brevity is the soul of wit” he certainly must’ve read a poem written by your prior self (your present life being a re-incarnation of that self) which am damn sure must’ve been a full time author/poet instead of being a bureaucrat. You’ve captured the whole gamut of emotions and experiences in such few words. You evoke a similar response in me each time- “W.O.W”

    1. O you are so kind, sweetie... M grateful for your kind words

  3. Very nice and to the point. Like the hardcore reality, you penned down.


  4. Poetry is a very powerful tool for the expression of emotions whether it's joy or suffering.
