Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Barren Woman

The Barren Woman
They called her “baanjh
The barren earth
Who couldn’t bloom a little flower.
A beloved grandson
Who would help them
Cross “Vaitarni” after death.
Putting her eggs under scanner,
While the test for their virile son proscribed.
They dragged her to the Guru’s cave
for the grant of their heart’s desire.
With greasy dirty hands,
He felt her all over
And said that he would cleanse her
of her previous birth’s sins.
As the evening chants grew louder
and the twilight deepened,
the Guru repeatedly raped her
and her cries drowned in the din.
At dawn, shutters were opened
And the acolytes dressed her up.
With “blessings” planted,
She was handed over at once.
Now cleansed by Guru
She should hopefully conceive
And put an end to the shame
of being a barren womb.

- Neha Bansal


  1. This poem speaks of you as a poet .... resonates the pain inherited by women since centuries. It has skill fully created imagery. The visuals of another time send shivers down the spine.

    1. Thank u my friend...for always reading and encouraging me 😊

  2. Neha another wonderful piece of work by you . I hate when women have to go through this repugnant ordeal and it didn’t only happen centuries back but still going on . We get to see patients where only a woman is considered to be diseased and her husband is absolutely fine 😰. It tells the society we live in , literate but not educated . Your poem speaks volume of a woman termed baanjh 😥

  3. Brilliant...beautifully penned lovepoem.
    Embarking on your writing career...mam your words sprinkle magic .
    All your poems are so captivating.
    Keep writing.

    1. Thank u, Dr hema 😊 i m grateful for ur comments

  4. Brilliant...beautifully penned lovepoem.
    Embarking on your writing career...mam your words sprinkle magic .
    All your poems are so captivating.
    Keep writing.

  5. Brilliant...beautifully penned lovepoem.
    Embarking on your writing career...mam your words sprinkle magic .
    All your poems are so captivating.
    Keep writing.

  6. It made me cry.. it touched me from within. Your words are so powerful.. beautiful beautiful beautiful.

    1. Thank u so much. Ur encouraging comments keep me going.

  7. Untold miseries are meted out to the subalterns by those in power.Our society claims to worship women but ironically treats them so badly.Another hard hitting poem

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. That's so true...our society is a complicated one....the woman on the one hand is the mother goddess or she is a wretched whore.

  8. Perhaps, it is time to start a new way of life... At least for those who claim to be "educated"

  9. She may never love the sinful'blessing'

  10. You write beautifully. Read words penned by you after years. Touching deep inside. Keep it up.

  11. It's a very intense poem. Very brave of you to challenge these age old notions and these godmen and gurus. Great work.

  12. Quite poignant. However I felt it was too direct. Takes away a bit of the impact. Leaves nothing to the imagination. Is not poetry also about suggestion?

    1. true that.... i guess i'll rewrite it :) thx for ur honest comments

  13. very powerful. i like the way u don"t mince ur words.i actually quite like its directness. kudos
